Once the summer starts to wind down, the crowds begin to disappear, the heat dissipates, and the taste of fall is in the air. Some would say this is their favorite time to go on vacation, and we can’t help but agree. It’s no secret that National Parks are big attractions, and the crowds can […]

In August, our Operations Coordinator, Crystal, set out from her home of Grand Junction and travelled 711 miles over the course of a week throughout beautiful Colorado! She visited most of the stops on our Rocky Mountain & Central Colorado trip, including Durango, Leadville, Frisco, Breckenridge and Redstone. In addition to the high mileage she […]
If your future includes an RV vacation to Canada, you need to be aware of some factors that could have an impact on your travel. When you enter Canada, you must have proof of citizenship and identity (A valid U.S. passport, passport card, or Nexus card). If you don’t have these documents, you can show a […]

If you’re traveling this summer, be prepared for very unusual weather here in the West. This past winter’s record snowfalls have delayed opening of roads, parks, and campgrounds. And if that isn’t enough to worry about, now that the weather is warming up there are worries about rivers flooding. Here are some of the current […]

You had a great RV vacation this summer, and the photos are loaded onto your computer or CD. Now what? Not everyone has the time or inclination to make scrapbooks (and I say that from a personal point of view!), but there are other options out there that allow you to make an album of […]