After over 25 years of exploring the West, an RV is still our favorite way to see the National Parks. You will love the freedom and flexibility that RV vacations provide. It’s a hotel room that goes where there are no hotels. And you only unpack once! Traveling with kids? It doesn’t get any more convenient than this. We help you find the perfect motor home and give you helpful tips for driving and operating your cabin-on-wheels. Just see what our customers have to say below!
…spend quality time together with our family
…escape TV, sports practice, city hubbub
…getting away from all the media and “info blitz of life”
…helped our children develop an appreciation for the Great Outdoors
…saw the Great American West in the most intimate way possible
…being inside and outside at the same time; enjoyed nature while seeing the sights
…like camping, only we slept better
…camping but not roughing it
…sleeping in comfort, close to nature
…always knowing where our bed for the night would be; having a consistent place to live
…having necessities at our fingertips; being self-sufficient
…fewer hotel hassles; less fast food
…avoid the hotel pack-unpack routine
…it’s more of an adventure
…learned new active pursuits – sea kayaking and rock-climbing
…freedom to stop when and where we liked
…the ability to adjust the vacation to fit our daily desires
*all quotes collected from recent customer feedback surveys
Little guy needed to go. “Now!” Pulled over along an empty stretch of road so he could unbuckle and walk to bathroom. “Don’t forget to wash your hands and flush!”
Warm, auxiliary shower on outside of motorhome came in handy when kids came back from lake, chilled to the bone and covered with sand.
Built a campfire and had dinner outside at the picnic table (joined by a very curious chipmunk). Moved inside for stories and games when rain started. Nothing like falling asleep to the sound of rain.
Refrigerated leftovers from last night’s awesome restaurant meal made a great microwaved lunch.
Stopped at roadside stand, bought fresh peaches and whole wheat bread, baked a peach crisp after dinner. No leftovers…
Long drive today. Let the kids use the laptop at the dinette to play games (I mean, educational programs).
5 days in, each kid has a favorite marshmallow-roasting stick. (They insist they’re bringing them home on the plane!) The sticks live in the driver-side outside storage locker, also home to the suitcases we flew here with and a few pieces of choice firewood we “borrowed” from the neighbor’s site after they pulled out this morning.
Parked near hot springs, changed into swimwear, had a fabulous soak! Hung dripping clothes in the shower while driving to our campsite.
Adults had a glass of wine and prepared dinner in peace while kids played outside with new campground pals.
Kids found a tiny frog down by the stream. Brought it inside for closer inspection then released it.
Our final night. Finally got the kids to bed after a few last s’mores. Made some tea, pulled out the iPad, and checked work email for the first time in 3 days. Ugh. Back to real life but feeling up to the task.