First, I have to apologize for the lack of posts over the past few weeks. We’ve been extremely busy (still!) through August along with a few staff members that have been on vacation. We also are in the process of creating a new, more fully featured and fabulous website. We are hoping for a launch […]
We just received a survey from one of our clients that talked about what we were able to do for them while they were on the road. The Duff family was on a custom trip that took them through the Black Hills, Devil’s Tower, Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park. When Mrs. Duff experienced severe […]
First off, sorry we haven’t been posting regularly the past couple of weeks. Besides being crazy busy, I have been on vacation for a chunk of that time and haven’t been connected for blogging. With the summer season about half over, our clients are starting to send in evaluation forms that cover all aspects of […]
We love it when our clients share their family vacation experiences with us through photos, blogs, video and survey responses. The Brot family just completed their second Tracks & Trails driving adventure — this time to the Grand Canyon area. Ilene Brot posted her family’s photos at Shutterfly and invited us to share them with […]
With all the new technology these days, we have a unique ability to follow along with our client’s adventures. And now that the summer is here and our client’s are hitting the road, many will be keeping journals, updating family blogs and taking tons of pictures and video. We will be posting most everything that […]
We get this question (or some version of it) all the time – especially during these tough economic times – how much are you charging us for your time and what do I get for it? Sometimes folks think that all we do is reserve campgrounds. We do so much more than that! We have […]
As Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer, we’re knee deep in the summer vacation season. May was another great month for Tracks & Trails and now we get to the time when most of our clients are hitting the road! Over the next three months we’ll be shipping out our client’s Adventure Kits, […]
Currently a bridge is being built across the Colorado River to bypass the road that takes traffic over the Hoover Dam. To follow the progress, check out their website I had a friend pass along some pictures, albiet from January, but the one I’ve included here shows some of the massive scale of this […]
Our friends at wrote an article titled ‘Of Geysers and Grizzlies: The Best of Yellowstone for Families’ and we were mentioned prominently throughout the article. It also showed up on and Here are the direct links – all the articles are the same so pick your favorite: A big […]
Just thought I’d let y’all know that we haven’t fallen off the face of the earth – we’re just very busy right now. It seems that many of our clients have waited to book their summer vacations. So April was a very busy booking month! We are very happy with the additional business and we […]