My first visit to Mesa Verde National Park was a last-minute weekend getaway; not a carefully-researched, thoughtfully planned-out destination. At the time, I did not realize that a one-day visit would not allow sufficient time to see both the Chapin and Weatherill Mesas, or that I would be drawn by its mystery and want to […]
We absolutely love it when our clients have a great time on their Tracks & Trails vacation. As we have said in the past, many of our clients have used the Internet to document their trip and have used many different ways to show friends and family how things are going on their trip. The […]
A little too chilly where you are? Too cold for too long? How about just tired of putting on and taking off all those layers? Ready for a break from winter? Even Florida is cold right now. Check it out – Phoenix and Tucson are right around 70 degrees for highs – so is San […]
In light of the Dec. 25 incident on a U.S.-bound flight, the U.S. Transportation Security Administration is mandating that every individual flying into the United States from anywhere in the world traveling from or through nations that are state sponsors of terrorism or other countries of interest will be required to go through enhanced screening […]
While the photo of the Christmas Tree Cluster at the right is not the traditional image for a Christmas tree, we at Tracks & Trails hope that it’s just as beautiful as your tree at home. We sincerely wish everyone a wonderful holiday season. At this time of year we have a few clients […]
We are also experiencing some network issues so I can’t access our email from home. Please be patient with us and I’m hoping that we will be back to normal tomorrow. If you have a question, please comment on this blog entry and I’ll do my best to answer it today. Thank you for your […]
So, Black Friday is here and gone. Cyber Monday has had its moment in the sun, too. And while it appears that folks are spending less this holiday season, more are out there looking for bargains and deals. So where does Tracks & Trails fit in to that? Well, if you are thinking of […]
It’s great to see when our clients use the power of technology to document what a great time they’ve had on their Tracks & Trails driving adventure. Many use personal blogs, Flickr, Picasa or other sites to create personal journals of their trips. Some even include video. From time to time, we’ll be posting client […]
Welcome to our new website!!! We’ve been working feverishly over the summer and fall to bring you an updated and upgraded website that we hope you find useful in planning your next western driving adventure! A couple of new things that you’ll find on the new website: The Trip Finder is a mini-search engine […]
First, I have to apologize for the lack of posts over the past few weeks. We’ve been extremely busy (still!) through August along with a few staff members that have been on vacation. We also are in the process of creating a new, more fully featured and fabulous website. We are hoping for a launch […]